My Cookbooks, first shelf

My Cookbooks, first shelf

I decided it would be neat to list all of my (our) cookbooks.

Oh, it's neat alright...but it's a lot of work!

So far, I've added about 43 books. That's just the first shelf.


This may take a while...

I've also noticed that I own quite a few out-of-print books. Wonder why that is?

- Joining The 'fun'
Anthony of Spiceblog was apparently cyber-strong-armed into posting about his cookbook shelf. Never one to shy away from a meme, here are my cookbook shelves: Top shelf Middle shelf Bottom shelf Full view 1. Rationale behind what we're seeing?...

- I'm Just Here For The Show
I adore Alton Brown. Matt and I watch "Good Eats" all the time. My FIL has the first of AB's books, "I'm Just Here for the Food". I've added "I'm Just Here for More Food" to my Wish List. Basically, I'll watch, try or...

- Here It Is!!
Finally, as requested... My cookbook shelf!! And I'm already out of room...with four new books to add. Sigh....

- Naturally
When picking Alex up from his grandparent's house, my mother-in-law returned one of our cookbooks. The night after I 'finish' my list of cookbooks. Of course. my list of cookbooks should be complete! (Anyone else out there...

- One To Go
Cookbook shelf #2 has been added; during the process, I realized what a strange mix of cookbooks we own. High-end to all-American comfort foods. I guess that means we're equal-opportunity cooks?...

