Here it is!!

Here it is!!

Finally, as requested...

My cookbook shelf!!

And I'm already out of room...with four new books to add. Sigh.

- That Cookbook Meme
It finally found it's way here thanks to Alice, so here goes... Total number of (cook/food) books I've owned: I really have no idea. Because of limited space, I occasionally thin out my books, so who knows how many have passed through here. At...

- Show Me Yours & I'll Show You Mine, Part 2
Deb & Natashya, we're half-way there. Part 2 of my never-ending cookbook collection. This batch lives in the kitchen, next to the old, double-sink & another set of shelves holding a large portion of our gadgets, and above where the dishwasher...

- Show Me Yours, & I'll Show You Mine: Part 1
A couple of months ago, Deb & Natashya decided to share their cookbook shelves/tables/rooms with the world. I wanted to join in, but there's this little cookbooks are quite literally scattered all over the house. There's a set...

- Breakfast With The Stars!
Well, folks; I'm afraid it's terminal. Our camera must be replaced. Sigh... Thank you for suggesting other brands; one way or another, we'll be getting one. Now...back to business. I got a new cookbook this week; Taste of Home's Favorite...

- Joining The 'fun'
Anthony of Spiceblog was apparently cyber-strong-armed into posting about his cookbook shelf. Never one to shy away from a meme, here are my cookbook shelves: Top shelf Middle shelf Bottom shelf Full view 1. Rationale behind what we're seeing?...

