Show Me Yours & I'll Show You Mine, Part 2

Show Me Yours & I'll Show You Mine, Part 2

Deb & Natashya, we're half-way there.

Part 2 of my never-ending cookbook collection. This batch lives in the kitchen, next to the old, double-sink & another set of shelves holding a large portion of our gadgets, and above where the dishwasher would be if we even found a day when we were caught up.

Bottom shelf is ethnic. Once upon a time it was organized by cuisine/region, but those days have long passed.

Some of the ethnic volumes bleed onto the middle shelf, with the rest of the space filled by most of our vegetarian books. Yes, I like Moosewood...what's your point?

The top shelf is a sort of catch-all; basic & general purpose books, a batch of down-home volumes, and the like.

And because I just know you're squinting, trying to read the spines, I've included photos of ALL the books. Just click on them to see them better.

We're cranking up the flavor for this month's Blog Party; it's time to Spice it Up!

Hope to see you there.

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