Joining the 'Fun'

Joining the 'Fun'

Anthony of Spiceblog was apparently cyber-strong-armed into posting about his cookbook shelf.

Never one to shy away from a meme, here are my cookbook shelves:

Top shelf

Middle shelf

Bottom shelf

Full view

1. Rationale behind what we're seeing?
Ethnic books on top shelf. Continuation of party/entertaining books (from middle), and subject specific-books on middle, with cooking magazines (Gourmet, Food & Wine, Bon Appetit and Vegetarian Times, being used as a bookend). Vegetarian, baking, 'retro' and ancient, and the beginning of the party/entertaining books on bottom shelf.

2. Most recommended?
New Recipes from Moosewood Recipe (that's the one with the cheese tart!)

3. Cookbook that made you what you were?
Earthly Delights: Everyday Vegetarian Cooking, by Vikki Leng
It was with this book, kindly given to me by an Aunt, that I really began to discover what the vegetarian lifestyle was like...not just potatoes and pasta!

4. Porniest cookbook?
Cocolat: Extraordinary Desserts

5. Sophie's Choice cookbook?
My original Moosewood cookbook; it's an early one...belonged to my Mom.

6. If you were a cookbook, which cookbook would you be?
The Homestyle Cook's Guide to Gourmet Cooking; or how a small-town girl learned to cook like a chef.

7. If your cookbook were extremely valuable, so valuable you might hide it with other valuables, where would that place be?
Right. Like I'm going to tell people where to look for my valuables...what do you take me for? I've watched enough episodes of Law & Order to know better than that.

And now I tag Sweetnicks; that's one cookbook collection I want to see!

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