

When picking Alex up from his grandparent's house, my mother-in-law returned one of our cookbooks. The night after I 'finish' my list of cookbooks.

Of course. my list of cookbooks should be complete!

(Anyone else out there have one of my books? Tell me now...)

- The Joy Of Writing A Great Cookbook: Interview With Kimberly Yorio
If you want to be a food writer, I highly recommend that you read Will Write for Food by Dianne Jacob, but if writing a cookbook is your goal, you’ll also want to check out The Joy of Writing a Great Cookbook by Kimberly Yoirio. This no nonsense book...

- How Many Cookbooks?
How many cookbooks do you own? At last count I had 75. My sister really started me off with "The Joy of Cooking" circa 1984 for which I will be forever grateful. In terms of classics I also have the Escoffier, Fannie Farmer, and several cookbooks by...

- That Cookbook Meme
It finally found it's way here thanks to Alice, so here goes... Total number of (cook/food) books I've owned: I really have no idea. Because of limited space, I occasionally thin out my books, so who knows how many have passed through here. At...

- Stephanie's Home For Wayward (cook) Books
In his never-ending quest to empty shelves, clear closets and de-junk the basement, my Father-in-Law has been giving me cookbooks. Lots, and lots, of cookbooks. Here's the latest group, minus one from James Beard, about appetizers. It's already...

- Tag-you're It!
Found over at Spiceblog, another book meme. But this one is free of cookbooks! 1) Total number of books I've owned: Combined? Thousands. I'm not kidding. Since my 'merger' with Matt, books over-run the place. 2) The last book I bought:...

