Tag-you're it!

Tag-you're it!

Found over at Spiceblog, another book meme. But this one is free of cookbooks!

1) Total number of books I've owned:
Combined? Thousands. I'm not kidding. Since my 'merger' with Matt, books over-run the place.

2) The last book I bought:
Silverfin. The Complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Vol. 1. And Twilight of Empire: Responses to Occupation. (all purchased at the same time)

3) The last book I read:
Silverfin. I'm just about half-way through the Sherlock Holmes; and at 1049 pages, that's no small feat!

4) 5 books that mean a lot to me:
Nine Coaches Waiting, Champlain Summer, The Lord of the Rings...the trilogy, which brings my total to five.

5) Tag 5 people and have them fill this out on their blogs:
I tend to not actually tag anyone, but instead leave it open to anyone who feels like participating. If you decide to join in, let me know!

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