How Romantic!

How Romantic!

Saturday was 'date night', and Matt and I had dinner, followed by a night at the theater (Arsenic & Old Lace). But we had a big block of time before the show started, so we headed to one of our favorite places...Edward McKay's Used Books and CD's.

McKay's recently moved from their old location to a much, much bigger building...and more importantly, with lots of parking!

Matt's been there since the move, but this was my first visit.


Seriously; wow. The place is huge. You really could get lost in there...which is more dangerous than it sounds!

Unleashing either one of us upon a book store is akin to setting free an ant colony next to a chocolate cake.

We went there with the intention of just picking up a few books. Really, just a few.

But then I found the cooking aisle.

Thirteen books later, I forced myself to find Matt, who was absorbed in the anthropology section. I caught him before he did much damage; stopping at three.

That brought our total to sixteen books. Throw in a couple of CDs, and we were done. Total? Exactly $70.00. Not bad...those .50 Time/Life books really helped!

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