One to go

One to go

Cookbook shelf #2 has been added; during the process, I realized what a strange mix of cookbooks we own.

High-end to all-American comfort foods. I guess that means we're equal-opportunity cooks?

- No Clean Up Cook Book
So I have this idea for a cookbook. There is a gimmick because if you look on any cookbook shelf you will quickly discover, the "great" cookbooks have all been written. Now it's all about Toast, or Duck or Blender recipes. Honestly, I kid you not,...

- Calling All Cooks!
About a year ago, I found the wonderful company, Collector's Press. Collector's Press sells all kinds of retro-themed books, and the subjects are varied: Elvgren Girls, the Atomic Home, retro toys, and all about the 'retro housewife',...

- Joining The 'fun'
Anthony of Spiceblog was apparently cyber-strong-armed into posting about his cookbook shelf. Never one to shy away from a meme, here are my cookbook shelves: Top shelf Middle shelf Bottom shelf Full view 1. Rationale behind what we're seeing?...

- My Cookbooks, First Shelf
I decided it would be neat to list all of my (our) cookbooks. Oh, it's neat alright...but it's a lot of work! So far, I've added about 43 books. That's just the first shelf. Sigh. This may take a while... I've also noticed...

- Jeremiah Tower Reminder
Just a quick reminder that Jeremiah Tower will be at Cody's next Friday night. I've been lucky enough to flip through the cookbook a bit, and it looks great. Lots of recipes I wanted to try, and an interesting glimpse into the history of California...

