Minted Lamb Burger

Minted Lamb Burger

Like the rest of you (I'm sure), I have more recipes bookmarked on my computer than I will live long enough to make.

Each has a folder, with expected titles like 'chicken', 'pies', 'beverages'.

There's also one marked 'For Matt'.

With the range of meat analogues (faux meats) available today, Alex & I can have the same, albeit vegetarian, meals as Matt.

But there are just some things that can't be 'faked', & lamb is one of them.

So it was finally time to make something just for Matt, & the Minted Lamb Burgers wtih Feta & Hummus got the nod.

Well...sort of.

We completely forgot to get feta, so there's that. But hummus spread on the bottom roll, the burger, lettuce, tomatoes & topped with raita.

And yes. He says it was as good as it looks.

Oh, & don't worry! Alex & I weren't left out: we had the same meal, but with falafel 'burgers', instead.

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