

I don't know what, exactly, has gotten into Alex. I'm not sure I care, either...he's been on a 'taste-new-foods' jag the past couple of weeks. It's, well, it's wonderful.

That day when you sit down at the dining table, and all three plates hold the same foods? Priceless.

He breezed through Italian, expressed delight with his foray into Chinese, and really dug into the Swiss wonder of fondue.

So imagine our glee, absolute glee, when Alex decided he loved the Mediterranean offerings we gave him the other night.

He saw the falafel, asked what it was, and declared "I want to try that, I hope I like it'.

He did, too. He loved everything. I think he consumed half a 'brick' of feta.

I have no idea why he's been so keen to eat new foods, but so long as he is we're going to keep trotting out our favorites.

Wonder what spot on the globe we'll visit next...

Blogging by Mail is back! Sign up for blogdom's favorite global goody swap with 10 Items or Less.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Mediterranean + Dinner + Meze + Falafel + Feta + Hummus + Pita

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