It Doesn't Have to be Pretty to Taste Good

It Doesn't Have to be Pretty to Taste Good

Let's be honest: we don't post photos of every single thing we eat (unless you're Sam, or inspired by her). I think it's equal parts embarrassment (peanut butter & cheese sandwich) and lack of photogenic-ness (new word!) (buffet of refrigerator may taste good, but rarely looks it).

I skip photo opportunities all the time; a bowl of low-fat vanilla yogurt topped with wheat germ? Not worth it. An Amy's frozen meal? Not admitting to that (oops). Whatever left-overs I can scrounge from my fridge shelves? No one needs to see that.

But just because we don't photograph or talk about it, doesn't mean we're not eating well, right?

Something Matt & I have been doing the past couple of weekends proves it.

We, like many families with children, spend a large chunk of Saturday or Sunday doing our grocery shopping.

We generally hit three different stores, which means time and energy, not to mention patience (an active kid like Alex gets pretty bored after the second store). Four hours later (I wish I were kidding), we come home and try to figure out what to have as a meal that requires little to no cooking, yet isn't junk.

But a couple of weeks ago, we decided to cheat our way to a fairly healthy, no-cook, minimal-mess, and filing dinner: meze.

It's so simple. During our shopping trips, we grabbed a pack of pita, Earth Fare's amazing hummus (made daily, and saves us a ton of mess), some produce and white beans.
We already have a large container of plain yogurt, and the most amazing Feta I've ever tasted.

Once all the groceries have been put away (that part's never fun, is it?), we sit down to pita, hummus, tzatziki, white beans drizzled with rosemary-garlic olive oil, crumbled Feta, chopped tomato, and some tinned dolma.

It's fast, it dirtied very few dishes, and we eventually walked away from the table feeling pretty good about life.

There were no fancy dishes, or artistic platings. I didn't fuss with lighting or camera angles. It's not pretty, but darn it all---it was good.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Vegetarian + Shopping + Meze + Feta + Hummus + Pita + Vegetables + Greek + Dinner

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