Little Bites: Christmas Eve with the In-laws

Little Bites: Christmas Eve with the In-laws

I wouldn't think I'd need to tell you just how much I love appetizers, but just in case? I'm always happy to sit down to a meal of small bites!

So when Matt's parents set up a small meze bar Christmas eve, I knew I was in for something good.

In the above photo, dolma filled with an herbed yogurt "cheese", pita (the good stuff from the Near Eastern market), Greek meatballs (this is Matt's plate), and mini-spanikopita.

A heavily-spiced pumpkin puree.


There were also giant white beans in a tomato sauce, which apparently didn't make it onto Matt's dish.

A very good, very light, meal...just what we needed to get us through tree-trimming and present-opening.

Tagged with
Food and Drink, Christmas, Celebrations, Blogging, Meze, Appetizers

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