Tasty "Oops"!

Tasty "Oops"!

It seems everyone knew what to get me for Christmas; I think I got seven or eight cookbooks this time!

Matt showered me with a series of Williams-Sonoma books, which made me very happy.

I've been hitting their Baking book pretty hard so far, and because a friend was coming over one Friday night, decided to give the Mint Brownies a go.

A really wonderful brownie recipe, the kind Matt likes. Both the brownie and the frosting call for a mint extract.

I'd bought a small bottle just before the holidays, and ended up not using it.

So, I added the flavoring to the batter, and almost coughed at the intensity of the mint coming from the pot.

I took a minute, which was followed by a 'Gack!'; the flavoring I was using? Concentrated.

I added something like three times the flavor of a regular extract...

Well, there was nothing I could do about it at that point, and Matt does love mint!

I used what was left in the bottle for the frosting; no point keeping just a few drops around.

Matt loved them. In fact, he loved them so much, I almost didn't get a photo before he polished them off. This is me, holding the plate in one hand and taking a picture with the other while watching Alias in the living room. Light sucks in there.

I took a small bite, because I was curious about the mint-i-ness: they taste like a peppermint patty. Minty, indeed.

This month, we're keeping things Black & White.

Our canapes, our drinks; everything in Black & White.

The party is Saturday, 20 January; please 'RSVP' by Thursday, 18 January, with your entries. (thehappysorceress at gmail dot com)

For more information about Blog Party, please visit the 'help' page here.

Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Baking + Cookbooks + Williams-Sonoma + Chocolate + Mint + Brownies

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