New Zealand and Narnia

New Zealand and Narnia

I've had a chance to meet some wonderful people through blogging, and specifically, through Blogging by Mail.

One of the uber-sweet ones is Morven, who sent me a treat I'd dreamed of trying since I was a child.

Turkish Delight.

Those outside the US might not think Turkish Delight such a big deal, but you really don't find this here.

Plus, I began reading the Chronicles of Narnia when I was nine or so, and couldn't help but wonder about this (apparently) amazing confection. A candy so fantastic, an endless supply was a fair trade for your siblings (then again, when you're young, you'd trade your brothers and sisters for just about anything!).

Years later, I was told Turkish Delight was this icky, super-sweet, fruity candy, and my heart sank.

How could that be used as bargaining tool? It didn't make sense.

But Morven told me about a company in New Zealand; one that was making it traditionally, by hand. That she'd heard only good things about it.

And oh, yes...would I be interested in trying it?

Heck, yeah!

I'm made of strong stuff. I waited till Matt came home from work to open the box itself.

But once we had a few moments to ourselves (rare and precious as they are), I slid the box out of it's cover to find a square of white.

Peeling back the papers, and dusting off my clothes (naturally, I was wearing black), I found this snow-covered gorgeousness.

Morven sent the mixed box, and the very first piece we tried was mint.

And you could tell! Oh, could you ever. You could taste the mint. Smell the mint. Oh, my...

It was sweet. But not too sweet. It was chewy. But not too chewy.

It was, as I said to Matt, considerably more understandable why Edmond was willing to sell out his family for a treat like this!

Thank you, Morven, for being so sweet and thoughtful. And to my out!

This month, we're keeping things Black & White.

Our canapes, our drinks; everything in Black & White.

The party is Saturday, 20 January; please 'RSVP' by Thursday, 18 January, with your entries. (thehappysorceress at gmail dot com)

For more information about Blog Party, please visit the 'help' page here.

Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + BBM + Candy + Narnia + Turkish Delight

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