WDB: Lotsa Pups

WDB: Lotsa Pups

Donegal and Wicklow hanging out with buddy bear in the guest room.

Duke does his patented 'sad dog' routine for us.

Fluffy, looking fluffy.

Donegal and Doolin...two heads better than one? In their case, it can't hurt.

See what all the other pups have been up to by visiting Sweetnicks tonight!

This month, we're keeping things Black & White.

Our canapes, our drinks; everything in Black & White.

The party is Saturday, 20 January; please 'RSVP' by this Thursday, 18 January, with your entries. (thehappysorceress at gmail dot com)

For more information about Blog Party, please visit the 'help' page here.

Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + WDB + Puppies + Dogs

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