BBM...Package from Switzerland!

BBM...Package from Switzerland!

My Blogging by Mail package actually arrived a few weeks ago, but with three weeks of holidays (prep, celebration, and recovery), as well as an equal amount devoting my time to Alex...well, this post just had to wait.

The amazing contents you see above came from Rachel, of Ugly Fruit. She's an American living in Switzerland, so I really did get the best of both worlds. She knows what's available here, and what seems cool and different.

Rai sent along so many incredible goodies; first, a tube of sweetened condensed milk. Have you ever seen such a thing!? I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, food-wise, but right now it's a great conversation piece!

Pine tar lozenges. Haven't been brave enough to try them yet...

I don't think she knew this about me, but as it happens? I adore salt water taffy! I just didn't know it was big in Iowa...

Rai's note read that these little wafers 'taste healthy, but weren't'. I disagree; they tasted anything but healthy!
Let me put this in context: these crunchy little bits contain raisins, and I ate many. MANY.

Italian stationary. In-joke.

Ok, she and I joked about my assigning her to me, so I could get the good chocolates (she was headed to Geneva around the time of sign-ups). In truth, chocolate isn't my first choice when it comes to snacking (I know, there must be something wrong with me); I'm more of a salty snacker.

But these chocolates, which won some pretty high honors...well, if I had access to chocolates like these, I'd be a heck of a lot fatter than I am now.

There were four chocolates in this box, and each one blew my mind. In particular, the squares embossed with 'Menthe' and 'Passion' made it possible to walk through the chocolate aisle of just about any store I frequent without so much as a 'how do you do' to the other brands.
The 'Menthe', obviously, had a mint filling. But it wasn't just mint, it was, as Matt tried to explain to someone, as if an entire mint leaf had been pureed and made into a filling. Wow.

The 'Passion' was a passion fruit filling, and again...the full, rich, flavor the of the fruit almost overwhelmed the chocolate. Almost. It was, in fact, a marvelously choreographed dance between the two flavors. Again. Wow.

This chocolate treat showed up in another BBM box; a chocolate cauldron of 'vegetable' soup; there's history and tradition in that cute little confection.

Rai's note warned us these chocolate-covered almonds were addictive like crack.
We laughed.
She wasn't kidding.
Holy crap; those things were good. I mean, it's almonds, covered in chocolate, then coated with cocoa. But...but...they put the Lay's people to shame. No one can eat just one.
I was sad to see them go...

Dangerous concept here. A Gruyere caramel. Sweet and salty. Danger!

I love pistachios, anyway. But these? No one else can have them, sorry. Mine. All mine.

I still have a packet of sugar from our honeymoon in Ireland, and that's almost five years ago. There's no way I'm ever using these! Too darn cute.

Add-in's for rice (Matt was really excited about that) and tea. Does everyone know I love tea??

Funky post cards. Love 'em.

And some fantastic music. We both love it, but Matt's in heaven. We were listening to it last night!

So, another great swap for me (my 'to' package is still on it's way): a new friend met, wonderful, 'exotic' foods eaten. Life is good.

Thanks so much, Rachel...I positively love it all!

This month, we're keeping things Black & White.

Our canapes, our drinks; everything in Black & White.

The party is Saturday, 20 January; please 'RSVP' by Thursday, 18 January, with your entries. (thehappysorceress at gmail dot com)

For more information about Blog Party, please visit the 'help' page here.

Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + BBM + Chocolate + Bloggers

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