BBM Package has Arrived...and I'm a Tim Tams Convert.

BBM Package has Arrived...and I'm a Tim Tams Convert.

For me, the weirdest part of Blogging by Mail is selecting the blogger who will send something to me.

I could play favorites, but I don't. I try to be fair, and match everyone based on compatibility. It's still strange, though, to tell someone "send me stuff!"...

This time, I matched myself with Cakelaw, in Australia. And a what a good match it was!

Cakelaw & I are soul sisters, at least when it comes to food. Just look at what was inside my fabulous package!

Starting at the top, from one tea lover to another, gorgeous 'blossoming' tea buds, which are supposed to bring happiness. Well, of course! Flowers & tea? Perfect.

Next, Tim Tams. Tim Tams! I'm in love. These things are amazing. Matt & I had some last night, and agreed these chocolatly cookies are really, really good. Which is why I should hide them away...!
I've not yet tasted the Fruit Tingles, but Alex informed me, over breakfast, that we would be trying these this evening.

Koala's and chocolate form! I've had these adorable sweets before, but that doesn't mean I don't want more. And...they're just so cute. Plus, I love caramel.

An enormous, hazelnutty, cookie. This thing? Bigger than my hand. Granted, I have small hands, but still.
And wow...can you taste them. Delicious. So delicious, in fact, that I decided to ignore the three or four hundred calories 1/3 of that cookie added to my daily total! Yum, seriously.

A beautiful postcard, showing sights of's a country I've long wanted to visit, even before I became friends with a girl at college who hailed from there. One day, I promise...

How did she know? If I have a junk food weakness, it's for crunchy cheesy things! And these Twists are really good...

It didn't photograph well, but Cakelaw also included some very old-timey, and classic, Australian recipes. I can't wait to try these out.

You can never, ever, go wrong with chocolate-covered nuts. So this lovely box of chocolate-coated macadamia nuts? In peril.

Finally, she sent along a CD from Crowded House, a favorite of hers (well, wasn't that the point?). We listened to it during breakfast this morning, and I mentioned to Matt just how many songs of theirs I knew, but had forgotten. Really good stuff.

Cakelaw, this was a wonderful package...I love EVERYTHING in it. Thank you so much for sharing your favorites with me, and for being a part of BBM!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blogging by Mail + Events + Australia + Chocolate

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