Blogging by Mail here!!

Blogging by Mail here!!

I'm not a bad person, really I'm not.

I meant to post about my divine Blogging by Mail package from Eva a few days ago.

But...there was the bake sale, a sick child, Blog Party...and even a few hours of sleep!

So, the post had to wait.

Until now!

For the first two and half years since we bought this house, we had the same, wonderful, letter carrier. Nice guy, who knew that...if there was a package for us, he could just leave it near the door, along with the rest of the mail. Saved time and energy for all of us.

But since the early Spring, we've had...ten, or more...different carriers. They all do something different with our mail. I never know who to expect, or more to the point, what.

So on Thursday, when Alex and I noticed the USPS truck pull just in front of our mail box, I really wasn't sure if we were, in fact, getting a package, or if our carrier was just taking a coffee break!

But, yet another new girl came to our door, with a paper-wrapped box, and without even glancing at the addresses, I kind of squealed.

I just knew it was my BBM package!

It was kind of weird, assigning myself to one of the participants. I made a point of matching up as many of the others first, so I wouldn't be tempted to pick someone out ahead of time.

But as the pairings went on, I kept coming back to I got to send her an email saying 'you can give me stuff!'. Again, weird.

But I'm so happy I did. Eva read my mind...or at the very least, my blog. Because inside the gorgeous box (which I'm saving for ever and ever)

were some of the most perfect-for-me goodies, ever. I'm a big tea-drinker, and one of the things I loved so much about being in Ireland was walking into just about any place, and having somebody automatically pour a cup of tea for me. (a fancy tea service is a wish-list item for me)

Isn't that lovely?

I'd mentioned to Eva that my family tree can be traced back to Scotland (coming to America by way of Canada), so in addition to the two copied recipes, she sent along a booklet of Scottish tea-time recipes. Perfect!

Eva explained all the items on this beautiful card. I confess, I was so excited to see what was in the box, I didn't even noticed, until much later, that those are real flowers on there!

She sent along some home-made, flavored sugars; lavender and rosemary, as well as some pretty decorating sugar. Oh, yes...I'll get a lot of use out of these! And they smell so good...

Because she was going for a 'high tea' theme, there had to be...tea. I'm a tea addict, so this is a most welcome bag. Nice and fruity!

And how neat is this? I have a couple of infuser balls, but I've never seen an infuser on the end of a spoon. But it's such a brilliant idea, makes me wonder why I haven't! Love it.

As Eva says, you can't have tea without sweets, and these...well, I have no idea how they taste. I'm afraid Alex ate them all!
They must have bee a hit, though...they disappeared rather quickly.

I have no idea how she managed this, but she also sent shortbread! I mean, look at it...traveling as far as it did, and it looks this good! Tastes good, too...I love lavender.

And macaroons, too! I mean, they were perfect when they arrived. If they crumbled at all, it was probably from all the manhandling on my end.

Eva...this is just fantastic. Everything is perfect...truly!

Thanks for being such an amazing swap partner, and you know if you ever need anything from this part of the world, all you have to do is ask!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blogging by Mail + Events + Blogging

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