Blogging by Mail - Special Delivery from Nevada!

Blogging by Mail - Special Delivery from Nevada!

My Blogging by Mail package arrived Monday! Blogging by Mail, in case you're not familiar with it, was conceived of by Nic at Bakingsheet and hosted this time around by Samantha of The Samantha Files. It's a swap where participants exchange care packages filled with goodies such as home baked treats, candy, books, kitchen gadgets, etc.

My package came to me courtesy of Becky of Two Foot Kitchen. I'm not sure how Becky picked the name for her blog, but I can't help but wonder if our kitchens are similarly sized! Becky loves to try new recipes and her blog is a record of her favorite finds.

Included in my package were some savory almond crackers which I believe were made by Becky (they're so perfectly round and evenly cut that it's hard to tell!), a dark chocolate candy bar with dried cranberries and almonds, Pansy and Lemon Jelly, and a Moroccan spice blend called ras el hanout. Becky recommends that the jelly be eaten with yogurt cheese and I would guess that the jelly and cheese would be delicious atop the almond crackers. The spice blend is described as "a spicy rub with rose petals and a distinctly aromatic scent of lavender, cinnamon and cloves". I can't wait to try it on some grilled chicken. And for dessert? Why that scrumptious candy bar of course!

Thanks so much Becky for a lovely Blogging by Mail package! I am certain I will enjoy every bit of it.

By the way, I will be hosting Blogging by Mail 3, so be sure to stop back by here Thursday for the official announcement!

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