Blogging By Mail Is Back!!

Blogging By Mail Is Back!!

The prodigal event returns!!!

After an absence of many months, and much cajoling (and begging and pestering) on my part, Nic of Bakingsheet has agreed to resuscitate Blogging by Mail!

Better yet, she's putting me in charge...oh, goody!

If you've never heard of Blogging by Mail, here's the basics.

Food bloggers from all over the world swap treats and baked good, recipes and more, sending care packages to new friends.

Cookies, cakes, jellies, breads, candies, teas and coffees, music, cookbooks, photos...anything you want to share.

Everyone who joins in will be given a swap partner to whom they'll send a package. Fill it with your favorite goodies, your prize-winning cookies, local specialties, whatever you want.

Remember though, many of these packages will be in postal purgatory for a while, so delicate pastries or 'best when fresh' goods probably aren't the best choices!

Here's a look at some previous packages, for reference.

If you'd like to join the fun, send an email to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com with the following information:

Your Name

Your Blog's Name

Your Blog's URL

Your Email Address

Your 'Real' Address

Are You Willing to Ship Internationally?

Any Strong Dislikes, Likes, Allergies, Etc

Do let me know if you'd prefer to swap with someone from your own country, or if you're ok shipping overseas. Just plan your packages accordingly if you do!

Sign-up's will be from now until 25 August; all packages should be shipped by 15 September.

When you get your swap package in the mail, be sure to write up a post, so we can all see what kind of goodies you got.

I'll be keeping track of everyone and their packages, so let me know both when you've shipped your package, as well as received your swap partner's.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask. And I do hope you'll sign-up to'll make a new friend, and who doesn't love getting real mail?

Blog Party#13 is coming, and this month, we're turning off the heat and preparing cool appetizers and drinks!

Post your dishes no later than Thursday, 17 August...early is always good...and get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, the 19th, and I hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blogging by Mail + Events + Blogging

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