Get Your Boxes Ready!

Get Your Boxes Ready!

Remember: your Blogging by Mail packages should be shipped out by next Friday!!

I'll be getting mine out Monday or Tuesday, but there's still seventy packages that need to go out. Don't forget to let me know when you've sent a package, as well as when you've received one.

And happy swapping!

Blog Party#14 is coming, and this month we're having a Kid's Party! Fun, cute, dainty, gross, wacky and whimsical...your appetizers and drinks are for the little ones. Tell a friend! Post your dishes no later than Thursday, 21 September...early is always good...and get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, the 23rd, and I hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blogging by Mail + Events + Blogging

- Blogging By Mail: Updates And News
First, the update. Well, I'm happy to report that all 89 packages have shipped! To the best of my knowledge, 71 packages have arrived, as well. Still waiting...and since many are international swaps, it could be some time yet: Cookin' with Cyndi...

- Chicken With Ginger
I'd signed up for Martha's newsletter, and recipes appear in my gmail account every week. Most often, I give them a look, then click on the 'Delete' button. But when I saw the recipe for Chicken with Ginger, I decided it was worth a try....

- Two-cheese Croque-monsieurs
First, let me new camera rocks! There's no way I could have taken a yellow/white picture with the old camera. I'm still getting the feel of it, but even these first tries are pretty amazing. A recipe we've been meaning to make for...

- Wdb: 3 + 1
Time for more puppy cuteness. Alex taking advantage of Donegal's snuggliness. Wicklow taking a nap...but what else is new. Doolin seeking a safe spot to enjoy his chewie. And all three, together again! Sweetnicks will have all the other pups...

- Blogging By Mail Is Back!!
The prodigal event returns!!! After an absence of many months, and much cajoling (and begging and pestering) on my part, Nic of Bakingsheet has agreed to resuscitate Blogging by Mail! Better yet, she's putting me in charge...oh, goody! If you've...

