Blogging by Mail: Updates and News

Blogging by Mail: Updates and News

First, the update.

Well, I'm happy to report that all 89 packages have shipped!

To the best of my knowledge, 71 packages have arrived, as well.

Still waiting...and since many are international swaps, it could be some time yet:

Cookin' with Cyndi

Cooking with the Headhunter

Experimentation of Taste

Fallen Souffle

Impossible Juxtapositions

In white, we shall stroll along together

Kitchen Wench

Lady Lunchalot

Mademoiselle Différentielle


Pie in the Sky

She Bakes and She Cooks

Snapshots of Life

Sweet Cocoa Curry


Sweets for my Sweet Tooth

The Omnivorous Egg

Weekly Dish

If your blog is listed as 'still waiting', but you have in fact gotten your package, please let me know!

It's entirely possible that either A. you emailed me, and the message got lost in my over-flowing in-box, or 2. you were so excited about you package, you forgot to tell me!

If you're still waiting, but your blog isn't listed above, let me know about that, as well.

If I look at this stuff for too long, I can start going bleary-eyed...

Now, for the 'News'.

Many of you have asked if/when there would be another Blogging by Mail. I am happy to report that there will be another round, and in fact, I'll be hosting it.

Look for details and sign-ups at the beginning of November.

And remember to keep me in the loop about those packages!!

Blog Party#15 is here, and this month, we're hitting the books! That's right, we're taking inspiration from our favorite stories and turning them into appetizers and cocktails! Post your dishes no later than next Thursday, 19 October...early is always good...and get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, the 21st. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blogging by Mail + Events + Blogging

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