Blogging by Mail: Holiday Edition; What's Up

Blogging by Mail: Holiday Edition; What's Up

Well, I'm happy to report that almost all packages have shipped, and the majority of them have reached their destinations!

However, we're still waiting for a few boxes to trickle in (overseas shipping can be a killer), and unfortunately, I do not have confirmation of packages sent from a few of you.

Below, you will find a list of bloggers who are both waiting for a box, and who have not shipped one out yet.

If your blog is on a list, and you have shipped and/or recieved your package, please let me know as soon as you can! (thehappysorceress at gmail dot com)


Adventure Chef
Artizen Kitschen


Adventure Chef
Flavor Junkie
Guinea pig with a wok
Lila Füge (Purple Fig)
What geeks eat...

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- Blogging By Mail: Holiday Edition!
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