Blogging by Mail: Little Things Mean A Lot

Blogging by Mail: Little Things Mean A Lot

It's back!!! The much-beloved, International blog swap is back for another round. Bloggers from all over the globe are sending goodies to fellow foodies from near and far, and it's a lot of fun.

An event created by Nic of Baking Bites, I've had the privilege of hosting the last few rounds. I can't properly express just how fun BBM is; like everyone else who's signed up, I've made new friends (always a good thing), get mail with nifty postage stamps on it, and best of all...I get to try all sorts of new and interesting things from my swap partner.

I've discovered new chocolates, tried spices and treats I'd never heard of, and best of all, connected with people who are as passionate about food as I am.

For this round I've selected the theme of "Little Things Mean a Lot", and with the rising cost of International shipping, I think it's more than apt!

This time, think small. Gather together some of your favorite little things. Spices, teas, chocolates, recipes, CD's...but play favorites! We want to keep the boxes small, and the mailing costs down.

Interested? Then fill out the form below, and send it to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. Sign-ups open till 2 February. I'll match everyone up, and send out your swap partner information by 9 February, and you'll have till 15 March to assemble & mail your packages.

Those outside the United States who know the customs requirements and restrictions for their countries, it would be a tremendous help if you'd share them with me!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

And I hope you'll join the fun!

***Double, and even triple, check your information before sending it to me. A missed number in a postal code, a typo in your street address, could be the reason you're left package-less!***

Official Blogging by Mail Form

Your Full Name (first and last)

Your Blog's Name

Your Blog's URL

Your Email Address

Your 'Real' Address (be sure to include postal codes)

Are You Willing to Ship Internationally?

Any Strong Dislikes, Likes, Allergies, Etc

If You've Participated in Past Rounds, if Possible Please Remind Me Who You've Been Paired With (to & from), So I Can Do My Best Not to Repeat!

Add any other information you deem pertinent, of course.

And don't forget! The guest list for Blog Party#30 is filling up now, and this month we're going Veggie-Friendly. For January, create meat-free appetizers, pair them with an appropriate drink, and join the party!
Entries will be accepted through 17 January (early is always good), and I hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blogging by Mail + Events

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