The Hostess with the Mostest

The Hostess with the Mostest

I am in awe of Nic's energy and big heart. As you probably know, she just hosted the Oh, Honey edition of Sugar High Friday, but you may or may not be aware that she also just organized and is currently hosting something new called Blogging by Mail. Twenty two participants are exchanging packages of homemade goodies and other treats this month and Nic plans to do another round-up in August after everyone has received their package. In the meantime, though, she sent some treats to every single participant herself! Mine arrived Thursday with some wonderfully spicy homemade ginger cookies, JBz chocolate candies, and grapefruit flavored green tea. I am enjoying them all immensely. Thank you Nic!

- Blogging By Mail: Holiday Edition!
Some of you are still waiting for your packages from August's Blogging by Mail; we're not at 100% yet, but we're close. 73 of the 89 boxes have arrived, with some taking (quite literally) the slow boat to their destinations. But because we...

- Blogging By Mail; So Far
Though you can keep track of all the packages by clicking on the Blogging by Mail icon located near the top my sidebar, I thought I'd give everyone an update on how we're doing. 25 out, 8 in....64 unaccounted for. 2 Girls in the Kitchen Package...

- Get Your Boxes Ready!
Remember: your Blogging by Mail packages should be shipped out by next Friday!! I'll be getting mine out Monday or Tuesday, but there's still seventy packages that need to go out. Don't forget to let me know when you've sent a package,...

- Blogging By Mail Is Back!!
The prodigal event returns!!! After an absence of many months, and much cajoling (and begging and pestering) on my part, Nic of Bakingsheet has agreed to resuscitate Blogging by Mail! Better yet, she's putting me in charge...oh, goody! If you've...

- Blogging By From The Big Apple
There was a knock on the front door Friday. I looked out, expecting the mail carrier. What I saw was a guy in a Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts. I opened the door, and the man asked if I was the recipient of a box he was holding. I assured him I was,...

