Blogging By Mail#3: Thanks, UPS Man!

Blogging By Mail#3: Thanks, UPS Man!

I've been peeking out the front windows all Monday. I just had this feeling I'd get a package.

And I was right!

My Blogging By Mail package arrived, from Chronicler...all the way from our former home (albeit the southern part), California!

And what a neat package, too...Chronicler sent photos of her kitchen (hey, it doesn't look that small!) and the surrounding areas; boy, do I miss those palm trees.

A flier for her sort-of good for you store, the local food section, a recipe for pumpkin pie, a sweet note detailing what Thanksgiving means to her, the cutest little hinged pumpkin box, a pomegranate (after last weekend's Blog Party round-up, I'll be running through lots of them!), and both the recipe for and the finished product for Chinese Fried Walnuts.

Matt tasted one, and declared "we're making these".

It was all so thoughtful, and I do love getting mail!

Thank you so much, Chronicler, we loved everything. Especially the part where you brought a little bit of California back into our lives.

Tagged with
Food and Drink, Blogging By Mail

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