BBM3 - Kriszti's package from Karen arrives

BBM3 - Kriszti's package from Karen arrives

There are still a few BBM3 packages that haven't arrived yet, but I'm happy to report that one more finally found it's way. Kriszti (in Hungary) just wrote to tell me that her package from Karen (in California) arrived, and what a lovely package it is....

Hi Cathy,

My BBM3 package has arrived safely today, just when I needed something to brighten up the otherwise gloomy day :)

Karen has put together a wonderful package !! which include the following: an interesting letter telling me how they spent the Thanksgiving, a family recipe to cook Game hens, a package of pecan pieces, cranberry sauce can, pure pumpkin can, Jiffy corn muffin mix, thoughtful gifts - measuring spoon and cup, an adorable teddy bear that plays music. Also, a print out of her lovely white kitchen, a copy of local newspaper, loads of useful magazine clips about thanksgiving !!

Thanks so much, Karen! Your package is truly an inspiration for my future participation in BBM.

Best wishes,

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