BBM3 Reminders

BBM3 Reminders

They're on their way... on march, on wing, or as Jason said, "the packages are rolling across the world..." (which was the inspiration for my little doodle above).

You can keep abreast of the comings and goings of all the BBM3 packages at the BBM3 round-up post. If you drop me a note or leave a comment when you mail out your package, or if I happen to see a mention on your blog, I'll update the round-up with that information. Most importantly, please let me know when you receive a package and send me a link to the write-up on your blog. If you have contact information for the person who sent you the package, it's always nice to let them know it arrived safely as well.

- Bbm3 - Kriszti's Package From Karen Arrives
There are still a few BBM3 packages that haven't arrived yet, but I'm happy to report that one more finally found it's way. Kriszti (in Hungary) just wrote to tell me that her package from Karen (in California) arrived, and what a lovely...

- Blogging By Mail 3 - Home For The Holidays
I love that picture. It’s reminiscent of Norman Rockwell’s Freedom from Want with the billowy white curtains, the Thanksgiving turkey, and everyone gathered around the table, but it has the distinctive stamp of my family… my grandfather pleased...

- Bbm: Indulge Me...who's Signed Up & Ready To Ship
Alright, a total of 35 this time; a nice little group. All swap information has been sent out, & there's just a few basic things to remember. Once you've shipped your package, let me know. When your box arrives, take pictures!! Write a post,...

- Blogging By Mail: A Few Of My Favorite Things
sign-ups are closed 60 bloggers signed up; All 60 packages have shipped! 59 out of 60 packages have arrived! A Cracking Good Egg Package has shipped!! Package has arrived!!!! A Few of My Favorite Things! Package has shipped!! Package has arrived!!!!...

- Blogging By Mail; So Far
Though you can keep track of all the packages by clicking on the Blogging by Mail icon located near the top my sidebar, I thought I'd give everyone an update on how we're doing. 25 out, 8 in....64 unaccounted for. 2 Girls in the Kitchen Package...

