Blogging by Mail 3 - Home for the Holidays

Blogging by Mail 3 - Home for the Holidays

I love that picture. It’s reminiscent of Norman Rockwell’s Freedom from Want with the billowy white curtains, the Thanksgiving turkey, and everyone gathered around the table, but it has the distinctive stamp of my family… my grandfather pleased as punch with his newest grandson, my brother clowning for the camera, my other brother giving him a look, the rest of us intently focused on the camera and on smiling (not too much, not too little, and don’t blink!), and my father, behind the camera, archiving this wondrous moment forever. But enough about me...

I am pleased as punch to be hosting Blogging by Mail 3, a care package swap for food bloggers and their readers first conceived of and hosted by Nic. What makes this event different from other food blogging events and so wonderful is the opportunity to learn a little bit about a fellow food blogger or food blog reader… where they’re from, what their handwriting looks like, what kind of cookies they like… you get the idea. With the hopes of building on that and with the theme “Home for the Holidays”, I propose that this time around your package include some or all of the following:

As always, Blogging by Mail is an international event and you don’t have to have a food blog to participate. Here’s how it works…

I think that's it. If you think of something I've missed or have any questions let me know!

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Tap, this thing on? Ehem. Hello. You know me as The Happy Sorceress & I'm a lapsed-food blogger. Once upon a time, I posted here (almost) daily. Things happened. I stopped. I do miss it. And my fellow food geeks. So after a prolonged...

- It's Baaaack!
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- Blogging By Mail: Holiday Edition!
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- Final Days Of Blogging By Mail!
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- Blogging By Mail Is Back!!
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