Blog Party#25: Minty Goodness

Blog Party#25: Minty Goodness

We're beginning our third year here at Blog Party, and this time around, I've decided to have more fun with the theme. To pick party topics I'd want to see. To really do the things I love, and'll love them, too.

This month, as we kick off Year Three, I'm even behaving a big selfishly.

See, my garden, mostly neglected this year, is over-flowing with one herb in particular: MINT.

Without any help from us, the various flavors of mint plants have taken off, virtually commandeering the garden.

I have lots, and lots, of mint. So, for August's Blog Party, we're going green. Minty green, that is!

Make your appetizer & cocktails/mocktails/beverages with that wonderful green herb. You can go sweet or savory...or both! And remember, the only true requirement for Blog Party is that you make a minimum of one appetizer & beverage...Each.

You have until Thursday, 16 August to create your minty marvels. Round-up will be posted Saturday, 18 August.

If you have any questions regarding Blog Party, please visit this page for basic information and past parties. If you still need help, send a message to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com.

Hope to see you there!!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Mint + Canapes + Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Blogging

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