Blog Party#42: Tiki, Two

Blog Party#42: Tiki, Two

Happy 2009, Blog Party-ers!

It's a new year, and a whole new batch of party themes to explore.

As mentioned some months ago, to help celebrate BP's third year, we're taking on both new & old themes. This month, we're looking back at one of our earliest parties, Tiki Party. Over three years ago!

It's a chance to get your Polynesian on, and serve up some tropical appetizers & cocktails.

With a somewhat late-ish announcement this month, for January only I'm pushing the dates around: we're a week behind, so you'll want to get your entries in by Friday, 23 January and the party itself will show up that Sunday, the 25th (see last month's round-up for more on date changes).

As always, if you have questions about Blog Party, visit our 'Everything You Wanted to Know About Blog Party But Where Afraid to Ask' page. Still puzzled? Email me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com...and of course, send those Tiki-inspired entries my way!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Canapes + Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Tiki + Blogging

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