Five-Napkin Sandwich

Five-Napkin Sandwich

It's not that we're deliberately trying to eat healthier, or anything. But Matt & I have been drawn, of late, to various vegetarian cookbooks I've had in a pile (in a pile because Matt hasn't yet found the time to build a new set of shelves).

So, I've been planning a lot of meatless meals, which is fine with the entire family. Some are actual 'dishes', others are more in the form of a meze, and more still are no more difficult than a salad or sandwich.

This was such a sandwich.

From the appropriately-titled Vegetarian Sandwiches: Fresh Fillings for Slices, Pockets, Wraps and Rolls, Roasted Red Pepper-Avocado Clubs with White Bean Hummus.

Toasted bread is slathered with hummus (to save time, we used Earth Fare's original recipe hummus), topped with strips of roasted red pepper, more hummus-smothered bread, a nice thick slice of tomato, slices of avocado, red-leaf lettuce, and one last hummus-rich piece of bread.

The result is a rich & satisfying sandwich. All the flavors go well together: the tang of the hummus, the slight sweetness of the peppers, the smoothness of the avocado.

But it's a heck of a messy one. The hummus rapidly turns the toasted bread into something more recognizable in building cement foundations. The tomato and red peppers are very juicy. It just plain gets smooshy. Not a word, according to blogger. But it's the right one to use.

Messy, messy stuff. But that's what napkins are for...

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Vegetarian + Sandwiches + Avocado + Bread + Hummus + Cookbooks

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