Chili Steak Wraps

Chili Steak Wraps

We're hitting one of my newer culinary heroes, Donna Hay, pretty hard this week.

Saturday night, it was this easy & spicy wrap.

Honestly, it took as much time to chop ingredients and assemble as cook the beef. That easy.

Tortilla (we had some super-sized, organic ones in the refrigerator) spread with hummus, then topped with lettuce, tomatoes (red onions, but somehow, we didn't buy one), and strips of chili paste-rubbed steak (I think Matt used rump; mine wereMorningstar Farms meal starters).

DH's recipe also calls for chili sauce, but trust me: you won't need it. We were both breathing fire with just the chili paste, and I even cut the amount down for mine.

But, the hummus and tomatoes served as a nice, and cooling, balance to the steak.

Twenty minutes, tops, and you've got a flavorful and filling dinner.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Sandwiches + Tortillas + Donna Hay + Tomato + Steak + Chili + Hummus

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