Man Food: Getting Ready

Man Food: Getting Ready

So, Blog Party#11 is this weekend, and in a sort of preparation, we put together some rather tasty Chili Dogs.

Matt made chili, both a beef and vegetarian version, using a recipe from (appropriately enough) The Way to a Man's Heart: Romantic Recipes for Every Occasion. His topped some Wilshire Farms dogs, mine were Morningstar Farms.

Both the chili, and Matt's hot dogs, were very good (so he says); I just liked those cute baskets!

Blog Party#11 is this weekend! This month, it's all about the guys. We're turning our little cocktail party into a Manly affair, so make your favorite guy's favorite appetizers and drinks, and join the fun! Blog Party entry links can be left in the comments of any post (they'll show up in my in-box), or you can send an email to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com; they're due this Thursday, 15 June...early is always appreciated, and be sure to swing back Saturday night for the party itself. Let's see how many of our favorite male food bloggers we can get to show up, and I do hope to see you all there!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Chili + Hot Dogs

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