Worth the Repeat

Worth the Repeat

Matt insisted we'd make this before; it wasn't until I actually took a bite that I had that 'oh, yeah...I remember this! moment.

Apparently, we have made these Nigel Slater Steak Sandwiches.

But with a sandwich this good, we didn't mind the repeat.

For the garlic/butter/parsley paste, Matt just used a garlic paste because...why put yourself through all the work of mashing garlic into a paste, when you can buy it pre-mashed?

As for my dairy moratorium, Matt had the brilliant idea of using some of those tubs of garlic 'butter' we get from Papa John's (and I just can't seem the throw out); as he pointed out, those tubs contain nothing at all like butter!

Add some lemon juice and Dijon mustard, spread it over a ciabbata roll, and top with just-cooked steak (or Morningstar Farms Meal Starters Steak Strips).

Another disturbingly simple meal, and definitely worth a second go-round. And just the thing for watching a mini-block of Justice League, Season 2 (the DVD's came Monday)!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Steak + Sandwiches + Nigel Slater + + Justice League

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