Clean Out the Fridge Dinner

Clean Out the Fridge Dinner

I had plans for dinner. I really did.

The chicken and Veat were defrosted, my recipe was clipped to my metal cupboards.

But I was tired. And I had a headache. Matt offered to make the planned dish, but I pointed out it would take hours to prep and bake.

"So, is there anything you want me to make for you?", he asked.

I suggested pizza. Thank you, Papa John's.

And clearly, Sunday wasn't much of a 'woo-hoo! let's cook!' night, either.

Filed under 'hey; what's kicking around in the cheese drawer?': a Five-Cheese Baked Pasta.

Using Gorgonzola, Mozarella, Parmesan, Gruyere and Monterey Jack, all mixed together. Using Nigel Slater's recipe as a reference. Good stuff, not too heavy.

And the bread? Left-over Papa John's garlic butter (I always save the tubs), on store-bought baguettes. Talk about a make-do meal!

No big. And less stuff in the cheese drawer!

Don't forget; Blog Party#4: The Gang's All Here: The Holiday Edition is coming soon! There's no such thing as a too early submission! Entries can be left in link format here, in the comments, or you may email them to me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com.
Hope to see you there!

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