Leftover Tuesdays #8: Use it up

Leftover Tuesdays #8: Use it up

I participated in my first Leftover Tuesdays last month, and to my immense surprise, was the random winner of a shiny new Knife Skills books for my effort!

After that kind of welcome, how could I not offer to host the September edition?

For this month, sticking very closely to the tenet, this month I urge you to adhere to the Yankee way of thinking: "Eat it Up, Wear it Out, Make it Do, Do Without".

More simply put, if you've got it lying around your kitchen or pantry, make use of it!

Whatever happens to be taking up space in the refrigerator, or cupboard, toss it together and see what happens.

And when you've done that, post about it and send that info to me.

Taking my own advice, we did that very thing, creating what we have now dubbed 'Cheese Drawer Baked Pasta'.

I decided it was time to clear out the cheese drawer, and with help from Alex on the food processor, got a nice mix of the following: Provolone, Cantal, Parmesan, and that Mexican cheese we can't remember the name of.

Some pasta odds & ends were par-boiled, and mixed with the cheese, some milk and a bit of cream left over from some baking jag. This was then topped with breadcrumbs left from yet another recipe, dotted with butter, and baked.

It was fantastic. One of the best baked pasta dishes we've had in some time. And a good way of using up food items in the kitchen.

Want to join? Here's the important stuff:

So...see what's left over in your kitchen, and get cooking! Use it up!

The Challenge
Leftover Tuesdays is the brainchild of David over at "Cooking Chat" who challenges us to convert our leftovers into new and exciting dishes.

How to submit your entry
1. Do stuff with leftovers by September 26th.
2. Email me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com with your entry with the subject "Leftover Tuesdays". Be sure to include a link to your post!

Blog Party#26 is coming, and this month, we're focusing on What's Inside! All your favorite appetizers with something to hide, and drinks, too...if you can manage!
Entries are due THIS Thursday, 20 September; hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Events + Pasta + Leftover Tuesdays + Cheese

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