Pantry Raid: Brick Red Mole & Juice!

Pantry Raid: Brick Red Mole & Juice!

Doing my best to get back into food events not titled "Blogging by Mail" (!), I was happy to find a reason to force myself to play hunter/gatherer in my own kitchen.

For Leftover Tuesdays, hosted by Project Foodie, I dug out a large can of pineapple juice we bought for some occasion and never actually used. Cute swizzle stick really classes it up, doesn't it?

A habit we're getting into: roasting a couple of chicken breasts over the weekend in case that week's dinners don't produce leftover's for Matt to take to work. This juicy chicken, combined with...

a Rubbermaid container of Rick Bayless's Brick Red Mole, which had been sitting in the bottom of my chest freezer for well over a year, some chopped lettuce and tortillas we always have around, made for a filling, albeit spicy, dinner.

Brick Red Mole Chicken Tortillas

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Leftover Tuesdays + Pantry + Rick Bayless + Chicken + Mole + Pineapple

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- Chicken Braised In Pumpkin Seed Mole Verde
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