Curried Eggs; or The Headache That Wouldn't Die

Curried Eggs; or The Headache That Wouldn't Die

Non-stop headache, so my sweet husband made dinner. Hooray for that.

From a cookbook we don't use nearly often enough, The Cook's Encyclopedia of Vegetarian Cooking, Curried Eggs.

Hard boiled eggs on a surprisingly sour curry; onion, ginger, cumin, garam masala, tomato paste, tandoori paste, cream and S&P.

Despite the bitterness, when eaten with the eggs, it really worked! A bit spicy, but the hard boiled egg tempered the heat.

Served with Rice with Spices and Seeds, and (horrors!) a store-bought dish; Kitchens of India's Black Gram Lentils Curry; it was like an actual meal!

I have to say...I loved the Black Curry. It was smooth, creamy...and tasted strangely like Dinte More! Really, really good. And totally vegetarian. It was inexpensive, and I think it'd even work as a flavoring for soup (how they got that amazing beef-like flavor, I may never know).

So, I'll be heading to bed soon, OD-ing on Aleve, and hoping I wake up not wanting a lobotomy.

Don't forget; Blog Party#4: The Gang's All Here: The Holiday Edition is coming soon! There's no such thing as a too early submission! Entries can be left in link format here, in the comments, or you may email them to me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com.
Hope to see you there!

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