IMBB # 16: Eggs! Hard boiled eggs with Dukkah

IMBB # 16: Eggs! Hard boiled eggs with Dukkah

It's funny how I think that when I finally have a vacation, I'll post ALL the time - when reality is, I post a lot less! There are just so many things to do, sun to enjoy and friends to see - you know how it is! But - today is IMBB # 16, and seeing I missed the last jellied IMBB due to lack of time, I thought no way I'm gonna miss this one! Hosted by the Seattle Bon Vivant Viv, the theme is EGGS! But you already knew that, didn't ya?;-)

We always have eggs in the fridge. I love eggs - scrambled, boil, in a frittatta - yolks used alone in a curd or custard, whites alone in meringue - added to breads, in tarts - I use eggs a lot. This time though, I've chosen a slightly deviant way of using eggs. It is the star of the "dish", only it's actually just - a boiled egg. A boiled egg served with a spice mix that accents the taste and texture of the egg itself. Hey, Viv said it could be as simple (or as spectacular) as you wanted it to be!

Dukkah is a spice mix, traditionally made with cumin, coriander, sesame seeds, salt, pepper - maybe hazelnuts or chickpeas. I first encountered it in one of Melissa's favorite books, Crazy Water, Pickled Lemons and had to try it. I bought the book because I wanted to do a Middle Eastern inspired birthday party dinner, and I served the dukkah with hard boiled quail's eggs, cucumber sticks and pitta bread with dipping oil as an appetizer. I loved it immediately. No quails egg around today, but it's equally good with hard boiled hens' eggs!

My mixture is made with
2 tablespoons hazelnuts, lightly toasted and cooled
2 tablespoons sesame seeds, lightly toasted and cooled
1 teaspoon cumin, lightly toasted and cooled
2 teaspoons salt

I whizz hazelnuts, sesame seeds and cumin in the food processor, then mix that with the salt. Serve in small dipping bowls with boiled eggs - and maybe another small bowl of good olive oil and some bread, for dipping in first the oil, then the dukkah.

I've already seen a couple of contributions for this IMBB and I'm EGG-STATIC!! (okay, so I had to work in here somewhere, didn't I?:-)) You people are amazingly inventive!

- Onion Smothered Eggs Recipe
I am what's known as a good eater. There isn't much I won't eat and hardly anything I won't try at least once. When I was young there was only one food I can recall that I didn't like--hard boiled egg salad. Then while living in Florence...

- The Occasional Gourmet Spices
Cinnamon toast makes a wonderful comfort food. It's only bread, cinnamon, sugar and butter but it sure smells good. If there are just a couple of spices to always have on hand, cinnamon is one. Cinnamon is found in a variety of cuisines--Mexican,...

- Well, Now; That's Interesting
I'd never have come up with this one on my own, that's for sure. Dinner was Bacon, Egg and Cucumber Salad; and while I was a wee bit skeptical at first, I absolutely loved this odd combo. Peeled, seeded and diced, then cooked with vinegar, sugar,...

- Curried Eggs; Or The Headache That Wouldn't Die
Non-stop headache, so my sweet husband made dinner. Hooray for that. From a cookbook we don't use nearly often enough, The Cook's Encyclopedia of Vegetarian Cooking, Curried Eggs. Hard boiled eggs on a surprisingly sour curry; onion, ginger,...

- Because, Life.
My Dad used to boil me eggs. Back when I was little, and I was with him on the weekends, we'd usually have soft boiled eggs in the morning. Two per person. I'd rush to eat my first one before him, so that I could turn it upside down and pretend...

