Wasabi Deviled Eggs: Recipe & Eggceptional Links

Wasabi Deviled Eggs: Recipe & Eggceptional Links

Egg recipes
I love eggs. I love them scrambled, fried, poached, coddled, soft boiled and hard boiled. Though I admit a slight prejudice against egg salad due to an unfortunate traumatic childhood incident. Word to the wise, don't ever serve a 5-year old an egg salad sandwich laced with black olives.

Since the day after Easter you are bound to have plenty of eggs in the house, especially hard boiled ones, here is a link to a recipe I posted some time ago; it's for something I call Onion Smothered Eggs. In it, hard boiled eggs and rings of sauteed onions luxuriate in a Bechamel sauce laced with parmesan on a bed of toast. It's my version of Oeufs a la Tripe(don't worry, even the original has no tripe in it!)

And here is a recipe that didn't quite make it into my upcoming book, so I'm very happy to share it with you now. It's my new favorite deviled egg recipe. I hope you like it as much as I do!

Wasabi Deviled Eggs
Makes 12 deviled eggs


6 hard boiled eggs (see below for instructions)
3 tablespoons mayonnaise, preferably homemade
1 teaspoon wasabi paste
1 green onion, minced
1/4 cup minced watercress, plus extra for garnish
Kosher salt, a pinch


Hard boiled eggs:
Place eggs in a single layer in a saucepan and fill the pan with water rising to at least an inch above the eggs. Cover the pot and bring it to a boil over medium heat. When the water comes to a full boil, remove the pot from heat and let eggs sit for 18–20 minutes. Cool and peel the eggs under cold running water.

Cut eggs in half and remove yolks. Mash the yolks until very fine and smooth, use a food processor or fork. Combine the yolks with the mayonnaise, wasabi, green onions and watercress and mix very well. Taste for seasoning and add salt to your liking.
Pipe filling decoratively into the egg whites using a pastry bag fitted with a large fluted tip. Cut thin ribbons of watercress leaves to be used on top of the eggs as a garnish, just before serving. Place on a serving plate and serve right away or cover and refrigerate up to one day.


More favorite egg recipes from the archives:

Curry Deviled Eggs

Creamy Scrambled Eggs

Dutch Baby

Breakfast Souffle

Huevos alla Amy

Million Dollar Scramble


Spaghetti alla Carbonara

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