Minimalist Sandwich

Minimalist Sandwich

This is just a sandwich.

A good sandwich, to be fair. But a sandwich, nonetheless.

Chicken, marinated in olive oil and garlic and lemon juice, grilled. Topped with slices of mozzarella, tomatoes marinated in the same (but different bowl, 'cause, ew) mixture, and chopped basil, all on a grilled ciabatta roll.

Kind of like boxing up the very last of summer, and serving it on a bun.

Help me get through the pain of turning a year older with this month's Blog Party---we're having a Birthday Bash!

Today's your last day to RSVP to join the fun.

Blogging by Mail is back! Sign up for blogdom's favorite global goody swap with 10 Items or Less.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Pie + Apples + Baking + Pushing Daisies + Television+ Tours

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