Stop by the Pie Hole (as in Shut Your)

Stop by the Pie Hole (as in Shut Your)

Last fall, we found ourselves fairly underwhelmed by the new television schedule. More reality (which we do not watch), proceedurals, and not-very-funny sitcoms.

There were two bright spots, however...and oddly enough, both of those shows featured a character named Chuck.

From the very first time we glimpsed that promo for Pushing Daisies, we knew had to watch.

There was something about the look of the show. The boldness of the colors, the sets, and those faces! I know I'm not the only gal who immediately fell in love with Lee Pace, despite that whole being-married thing.

So we told TiVo to record the season, just in case we didn't get to the couch in time (having a small child requires a flexible schedule, you know), and planted our backsides in front of the television.

What we saw, each and every Wednesday night, was true beauty. Stories that touched the heart, while injecting just enough whimsy to keep meloncholy from setting in. Characters you can't help but love, no matter what they do. Visuals that stick with you.

I'll admit, I cried a little that first night. It's a thing with me. Usually reserved for live performances, tears appear in direct response to a strong emotional impresssion. Theater, concerts, even baseball games: as it's beginning, I cry. It's a happy cry, but it does require explaining.

Whenever I'm genuinely moved by something, all that happiness bubbles up until it spills out via the tear ducts. And Pushing Diasies left me with wet cheeks.

I love Ned, I adore Chuck (I also slightly covet her wardrobe, especially the 40's-50's inspired outfits). Olive required a bit of patience, but now I just want to hug her. Emerson's wondeful. And as I'm owned by five dogs myself, I want to take Digby home.

And the Aunts! Love the Aunts. Swoosie rocks.

It's such an incredible show, and I fear that words such as 'magical' have kept viewers at bay. It's so much more than a gimmick; it's really genius. The writing and acting and set design and music and voice-over come together to make something Great.

It's one of just a few shows we're looking forward to as the fall season begins, so when I got an email about a promotional tour for Pushing Daisies, with a mobile Pie Hole(!), I felt I had to do my part.

Hitting select cities across the United States (West Coast, I'm jealous), you can stop by, see the Pie Hole, and of course...get pie!!

See more photos from the tour here.

To help spread the word, I made Ned's Apple Pie. I confess I'm not a pie person. I never ate it growing up, and I've only been baking pies about six years. But this was for a good cause, right?

Easy recipe (the crust was from my Wartime Wednesdays cookbook), with excellent results. Surprisingly, no cinnamon. Adding it in could only make it better.

I served this up for breakfast this morning. Despite the generous size, Matt didn't leave any pie on the plate when he pushed back from the table...

If you happen to be in one of the areas the Mobile Pie Hole is visiting, do check it out and tell me about it!

And of course...Wednesday, 1 October, 8:00 PM on ABC: the new season of Pushing Daisies begins!!

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Tagged with: Food and Drink + Pie + Apples + Baking + Pushing Daisies + Television+ Tours

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