

It's back! I'm back!

Too many days without access...I kept telling myself there was a time when we didn't blog or email, but it still felt strange. I've been on-line for maybe fifteen minutes, and almost feel a bit rusty!

Ok, business.

Because I was access-less for so long, I'm pushing the Blogging by Mail ship-date to 5 December, giving everyone a few more days to get their packages together.

Matt has to tweak the program for the additional questions, but it is my hope to have your swap partner information emailed to you by tomorrow afternoon.

If you have not yet received a reply from me, do let me know ASAP...thehappysorceress at gmail dot com: Christine, I wrote back to you the day I got your sign-up; check your Spam folder for my reply.

Because I'll be turning my attention to BBM tonight, Blog Party will most likely go up later tomorrow; no later than mid-afternoon.

Thank you all for your patience! It's been a bit nerve-wracking, you know. Just when I 'need' my Internet access most, it disappears...

- It's Back!! Blogging By Mail: Handle With Care
Tap, tap...is this thing on? Ehem. Hello. You know me as The Happy Sorceress & I'm a lapsed-food blogger. Once upon a time, I posted here (almost) daily. Things happened. I stopped. I do miss it. And my fellow food geeks. So after a prolonged...

- Blogging By Mail: 10 Items Or Less
Blogging by Mail, that fantastic global care package swap for bloggers, returns! BBM is the brainchild of Nic of Baking Bites, who has rather graciously allowed me to run this event, and I'm happy to announce a new round and a new theme. You may...

Blogging By Mail signups are now closed! Over the next several days, I'll be compiling everyone's information and assigning swap partners. If you've signed up but have not heard back from me, please send me a message immediately. I will...

- *%!)@&*^$
Our Network connection has been...AWOL. So, no posting. As of this afternoon, things appear to be (almost) back to normal. So, Wartime Wednesdays will be up soon. And don't forget! Tomorrow, Thursday, is the VERY LAST DAY to send in your Blog Party...

- Blogging By Mail Is Back!!
The prodigal event returns!!! After an absence of many months, and much cajoling (and begging and pestering) on my part, Nic of Bakingsheet has agreed to resuscitate Blogging by Mail! Better yet, she's putting me in charge...oh, goody! If you've...

