

Our Network connection has been...AWOL.

So, no posting.

As of this afternoon, things appear to be (almost) back to normal.

So, Wartime Wednesdays will be up soon.

And don't forget!

Tomorrow, Thursday, is the VERY LAST DAY to send in your Blog Party entries, and the final day to sign up for Blogging by Mail.

(thehappysorceress at gmail dot com)

More later...

- Blog Party#27 Is Coming Soon!
There's still a couple days left to work on your Blog Party#27: Halloween entries! Spooky, creepy, or just fun; turn your favorite appetizers AND cocktails into Halloween-themed treats. Entries are due this Thursday, 25 October; leave a link in...

- Stupid Network
Our network connection isn't getting any better. If anything, it's getting worse, and we won't be able to get any support until Monday at the earliest. The Blog Party roundup and match-ups for Blogging By Mail will be delayed until at least...

- Get Your Boxes Ready!
Remember: your Blogging by Mail packages should be shipped out by next Friday!! I'll be getting mine out Monday or Tuesday, but there's still seventy packages that need to go out. Don't forget to let me know when you've sent a package,...

- Reminder
You have exactly one more week to sign up for Blogging by Mail! Over 70 signed up so far, from many, many, countries! If you'd like to join in, there's still time...just not much. You can find all the information here, or you can write to me...

- Blogging By Mail Is Back!!
The prodigal event returns!!! After an absence of many months, and much cajoling (and begging and pestering) on my part, Nic of Bakingsheet has agreed to resuscitate Blogging by Mail! Better yet, she's putting me in charge...oh, goody! If you've...

