Stupid Network

Stupid Network

Our network connection isn't getting any better. If anything, it's getting worse, and we won't be able to get any support until Monday at the earliest. The Blog Party roundup and match-ups for Blogging By Mail will be delayed until at least Monday night.

Stupid, stupid network...

- Food Fight!
Remember when if one country was really mad at another they pulled out of the Olympics? Well, that was stupid and only served to punish the athletes anyway. So now how far have we come? We rename food instead! As if calling french fries "freedom fries"...

- Without Fail
So...summer officially begins, and how do I celebrate? With a cold. A stupid, common, annoying cold. I hope you've all been enjoying the chocolate dishes, because I'm feeling much too 'blech' to truly appreciate it. Tomorrow, after much...

- Final Days Of Blogging By Mail!
Just a reminder: Friday is the last day to join this round of Blogging by Mail. Currently, there are 79 81 82 85 bloggers signed up, which proves to me I wasn't the only one missing this wonderful event! There's still time to get in on the fun,...

- National Hunger Awareness Day 2006
Team up with Sur La Table to end hunger! Two ways you can support America's Second Harvest® — The Nation's Food Bank Network™ Make a donation—and we'll match it. Stop by any Sur La Table throughout June to make your donation.* Buy...

- Save The Internet: Our Two Cents
You can read in any number of places how the demise of network-neutrality will turn the internet (or, at least, the USAian portions) into yet another place where corporate interests can control the flow of information, determining what you can and can't...

