Without Fail

Without Fail

So...summer officially begins, and how do I celebrate?

With a cold. A stupid, common, annoying cold.

I hope you've all been enjoying the chocolate dishes, because I'm feeling much too 'blech' to truly appreciate it.

Tomorrow, after much rest and heavy doses of Sambucol, I'll sort through the left-overs and tell you all about the fabulous chocolate party that went on here tonight.

Provided my head doesn't explode between now and then...

- I'm Back! And I've Brought Cookies...
I want to thank everyone who sent well-wishes. Even with the magical healing powers of Sambucol, whatever Alex had was too strong for my immune system, and I needed a few days of doing nothing. Unfortunately, once I did that, I had to shift to over-drive,...

- Wdb: Making Up For Lost Time
Poor dogs, they spent a week with the vet (nice enough accomodations, but that doesn't mean they were happy about it) while we were on 'vacation', so I I not only missed my pups, I missed last week's WDB! Well, then...lots of cute puppy...

- Blog Party#8: Brunch---reminder
Today's the day! Your Blog Party#6: Brunch entries are due TODAY. All your down-sized sweet and savory breakfasty-y dishes, and fabulous drinks (alcoholic and non) should find their way to me no later than midnight tonight (that would be Eastern...

- Not Wounded, Sir; But Dead.
I know...I've been more-or-less MIA lately. I felt kind of crappy over the weekend, with no interest in cooking at all. And now, Alex has come down with a cold. Translation? I'll be sick in just a few days, and no one likes to cook or bake when...

- Goodbye Fall! Hello Winter! And Hello Christmas Countdown!
.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Fall has come and gone, and you know? It's officially winter. I didn't...

