Blog Party#8: Brunch---Reminder

Blog Party#8: Brunch---Reminder

Today's the day! Your Blog Party#6: Brunch entries are due TODAY. All your down-sized sweet and savory breakfasty-y dishes, and fabulous drinks (alcoholic and non) should find their way to me no later than midnight tonight (that would be Eastern Standard Time); you can leave a link to your entry here in the comments, or by sending an email to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com.

Guests have been arriving from all over the world, but there's still room for more! I'll have the party ready Saturday night, so be sure to stop by and meet some great people, and try some fabulous dishes...hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Blog Party, Events, Appetizers, Cocktails, Brunch, Breakfast, Blogging,

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