Blog Party Reminder

Blog Party Reminder

This month, Blog Party's skipping to the good stuff: Dessert! Your favorite virtual cocktail party is all about the last course this time around. Cakes, cookies, long as it's miniaturized, it counts!
And don't forget the drinks---it wouldn't be a cocktail party without them. Alcoholic or no, it's up to you. But we need something to wash down all that sugar, right?

Today's the last day to get on the guest list, so send your bite-sized dessert and sweet drinks entries to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com, or leave a link here in the comments.

It's shaping up to be a great party...hope to see you there!

- Emergency Dinner
Although I normally plan out a menu for each week, sometimes for a whole month, occasionally a day arrives where I realize I have no idea what I'm making for dinner. I found myself smack-dab in the middle of one of those days last month. I decided...

- Brave Little Boy
Having survived a night at the ER, it was time for Alex to get those stitches out. As you can see, he was pretty happy about it! Relatively scene-free, and his finger looks good now. And boy, does he give the food processor the evil eye these days......

- I'm So Over You, Martha
Last month, for Alex's teacher's birthday, I decided to make the Gingerbread Town-Square Cake from Martha Stewart. I thought it looked so pretty, and it would definitely be different from anything I've brought in previously. Oh, what a fool...

- Family Tea Party
Cucumber cream cheese rounds, mild cheddar on wheat Despite saying I was taking the entire week off from cooking, I decided to have a tea party last Saturday. It was the three of us, plus one set of Alex's grandparents. I don't have enough tiered...

- Birthday Cookies
My parents were unable to come up for Matt's party, but the following Monday he received a package from my mom containing these wonderful cookies! She even matched the icings to the party colors. I've always admired my mom's frosting-manship;...

