National Hunger Awareness Day 2006

National Hunger Awareness Day 2006

Team up with Sur La Table to end hunger!

Two ways you can support America's Second Harvest®
— The Nation's Food Bank Network™

Make a donation—and we'll match it. Stop by any Sur La Table throughout June to make your donation.*

Buy a 'Recipe to End Hunger' $1 wristband and 50 cents of every band sold will go directly to America's Second Harvest.

America's Second Harvest®—The Nation's Food Bank Network™ is the largest charitable hunger-relief organization in the nation, providing emergency food assistance to more than 25 million Americans, including nearly 9 million children and 3 million seniors.


For more information about Hunger in America and America’s Second Harvest, please click here.

*Sur La Table will match customer contributions and wristband purchases up to $20,000.

- A Place At The Table: Hunger In America & Beyond
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- Is Hunger A Taboo Subject?
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- The Hunger Challenge
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- National Hunger Awareness Day 2004
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